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Cycle Floyd! – Community Info Meeting
October 19, 2017 : 5:30 pm - 7:00 pm

Cycle Floyd – Community Info Meeting, October 19
Cycle Floyd, a new bicycling initiative for Floyd County, is rolling out soon!
The project is the Floyd Tourism Office’s first outdoor recreation project. $16,000 in VA Tourism Corporation grant funds have been awarded for infrastructure and marketing components for supporting biking in the town and county. Floyd Tourism has partnered with the Town of Floyd, Chantilly Farm, Floyd Fitness, Riverstone Farm and Hotel Floyd to supply $11,812 in matching marketing funds for the project as well.
A community meeting to learn about the project – and help cyclists get together and provide input – is planned for Thursday, October 19 at 5:30pm upstairs at the Floyd Country Store. Cyclists of all levels and Business Owners interested in cycling tourism and tours are encouraged to attend.
The project includes creation of bike racks and bike repair stations (that will be designed and created by FCHS students), Share the Road signage, a Cycle Brochure in print and on-line identifying paved and gravel roads in the county and bicycling routes of different lengths. Our present cycle events Tour de Floyd and Tour de Dirt will be supported as well. The Cycle Floyd project components will be in place early next year as the state BIKE VA 6-day cycling event comes to the New River Valley in June 2018.
Info: Pat Sharkey, Floyd County Tourism Director, tourismdirector@floydcova.org . 540-239-8509